With the knowledge imparted at SAVYT RESCUE, any responder is able to develop the skills to save someone’s life in many different situations.
“Very interesting, concrete and eminently practical. Very good course and a very good teacher.
I would recommend it 100%”. “The time was a bit short as there is a lot of content that is important to remember. Overall I really liked the course as it was practical and enjoyable”.
Savyt Rescue Institute has been an option for me to develop as a professional and to reach where everyone can go, giving what few others can offer. Thank you.
Para mí realizar cursos en SAVYT RESCUE INSTITUTE ha supuesto un punto de inflexión en mi carrera profesional. Y también en áreas personales, hasta ese momento desconocidas para mi. Creo que factores reseñables de esta formación son la calidad de las personas que te guían. La cohesión con un grupo reducido de compañeros, y sobre todo como dice Juanma Cervantes “…una enseñanza artesanal y personalizada, ofreciendo a cada alumno el tiempo y la atención necesarios…”